The meeting was attended by approximately 25 members. It was brilliant to see the student representative’s coming to the meeting.... 3 from Curtin and 2 from ECU.
No guesses what we discussed....what everyone is talking about....the new legislation and National registration. Next week is important as three Bills will be presented to the Senate......that is
Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009
Amends the Health Insurance Act 1973 and National Health Act 1953 to: enable nurse practitioners and appropriately qualified and experienced midwives to request appropriate diagnostic imaging and pathology services for which Medicare benefits may be paid; and allow those health professionals to prescribe certain medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Also makes consequential amendments to the Health Insurance Act 1973, Medical Indemnity Act 2002, Medicare Australia Act 1973 and National Health Act 1953.
Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Bill 2009
Introduced with the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Run-off Cover Support Payment) Bill 2009, the bill establishes the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme to provide indemnity insurance to eligible privately practising midwives.
Midwife Professional Indemnity (Run-off Cover Support Payment) Bill 2009
Introduced with the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Bill 2009, the bill imposes the run-off cover support payment as a levy on insurers’ premium income for providing insurance cover to eligible midwives.
Other issues discussed were...Medical Benefits Scheme (MBS)....Prescription Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the run off insurance cover.
The most interesting part of the evening for me was discussing the many options midwives will have from this enormous change to the way we work in Australia.... and not before time.... but I have to ask.... Are Midwives Ready for this Change????
How is MBS going to affect midwives?
....women can be private patients of the midwife...therefore claiming a funding rebate... however not for intrapartum care.
....midwives could be contracted to hospitals for intrapartum care
...midwives could setup their own consulting service for antenatal and postnatal care....we just have to be clever how we do it...
What are the implications for midwives with these changes.....well you can be
........self employed, set up your own practice providing antenatal & postnatal care contracted to a hospital for intrapartum care
........participate in midwifery care
........relinquish the nurse component of your registration in the community
Where too from here?
These are very exciting times.... however.......we need to work everyday on these issues.... determining eligibility, designing MBS rebates.... CPD packages on MBS & small business management, searching for indemnity insurance....
What do you think? are you ready for this?