Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Collaborative Arrangements – What can you do?

Australian College of Midwives - E-Bulletin

Collaborative Arrangements – What can you do?

Dear Members and Consumers

As you would be aware a key component of the National Maternity Reform Package implemented by the current government was to give midwives and the women they care for access to Medicare rebates and to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). In September this year midwives will be able to begin applying for a Medicare provide number in preparation for the implementation of the legislated reforms on 1st November.

The most recent developments around the recent release of the Determination (or secondary regulations) that now define the detail of collaborative arrangements are concerning and will restrict the way midwives will be able to practice. The Determination was signed into law by the Governor General on 16th July and released just prior to the announcement of the election.

Despite the government¹s stated intention in March this year of not wanting to provide a right of veto over another health professional¹s practice it would appear that the Determination does just that.

You can view a copy of the determination by clinking on the link below

So what can you do about this?
We are encouraging you to phone, write, email or talk to your local federal member – especially when they are out campaigning -

• Let them know you live in their electorate and what your address is (they need this to prove you live there).

• Tell them you are very concerned that the recent determination - the National Health (Collaboration Arrangements for Midwives) Determination 2010 - will enable the medical profession to have veto over midwifery practice and prevent the success of the maternity reforms.

• Plan local activities to let all the candidates in your electorate know how you feel and involve consumers and local media if possible.

• You can also ring Nicola Roxon on 02 627777220 and let her know what you think!
You can find details of your electoral office on the following link

Associate Professor Hannah Dahlen
President, Australian College of Midwives

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