Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Multidisciplinary Health Symposium "Care of the Diabetic Patient"

Dear Midwife/Nursing colleague, UWA is delighted to be hosting a new, exciting Multidisciplinary Health Symposium on Saturday the 22nd October at the UWA Club. This inaugural event has support from Kim Snowball, Director General of the Health Department who is opening the symposium. The topic ‘Care of the Diabetic Patient’ will include presentations from experts across the spectrum of health professions. This event represents a great opportunity to understand total patient management from all perspectives and strengthen collaboration and develop referral pathways between health care providers. For details about the program and registration or go to: www.biomedchem.uwa.edu.au/cpd/program This program is eligible AHPRA CPD credits. Yours sincerely, Lesley Gregory Assistant Professor UWA CPD Health Program Coordinator The University of Western Australia M315,35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009 UWA CPD Health Quality Education: Quality Outcomes
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